Elah Baptist Church
"In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world" John 16:33
This prayer chain is designed for you and all of those whom you would like for God to bless. Know someone that needs Christ in their life? Have a sick loved one or someone in need of the power that prayer brings? This request page was created for members and non-members to reach out for the needs of yourself or others. Christ said, " That where two gather in My name, there I am also."
Send us your request no matter how great or small and we will raise it up into God's light.
Pray for a hedge of protection around our church family and a harvest of souls all around the world. Pray for our government and its leaders. Pray that God will open our eyes to recognize opportunities to witness to the willing. Thank God for our many blessings and for sending us his son Jesus Christ to carry the weight of our sins. Amen