"In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world" John 16:33

Helpful Links

www.Youversion.com A Bible app

www.E-Sword.net A Bible app

www.Someonecares.org  A prison outreach ministry

www.AA.org Help with alcohol addiction

www.NA.org  Help with drug addiction

www.Suicidepreventionlifeline.org Help for hopelessness

www.SBC.net  Southern Baptist Convention

www.Baptist2baptist.net  Issues in Southern Baptist life

www.NAMB.net  North American Mission Board

www.BPnews.net  News with a Christian perspective

www.Truelife.org Answers to sensitive issues

www.Persecution.com  The voice of the martyrs

www.Biblesprout.com A Bible app